Unlock your Child’s Motivation (Reiss Motivation Profile)
Dec 01, 2022
Like a fingerprint, each of us has a unique motivation profile. The Reiss Motivation Profile ® is a concrete, scientifically validated tool to measure each individual’s motivation. When you know your basic desires, values and motivation, it is gets you to your goals faster and more sustainably.
Dear parents,
Have you ever lamented,
“My son is always playing computer games.”
“Why can’t my daughter ace her studies?”
If you have experienced any of such headaches and heartaches, I have a wonderful message for you: your child is motivated.

Growth Mindset Workshop Singapore
The challenge is to discover what drives your child? What energizes him? What does she value? Successful parents and impactful teachers are more often than not, simply the ones who have discovered the right motivators.
Relieve yourself from the frustration of not getting the best out of your child. Come and find out what are the motivations of your child and how you can use them to help him or her fulfil their greatest potential.
What are the 16 basic desires that form up every human being’s motivation
- Power
- Independence
- Curiosity
- Acceptance
- Order
- Saving
- Honor
- Idealism
- Social Contact
- Family
- Status
- Vengeance
- Romance
- Eating
- Physical Activity
- Tranquility
Unlock your child’s motivation in 3 simple steps
Online Reiss Motivation Profiling
Unlock Your Motivation Workshop (for child)
1 to 1 coaching session with our Reiss Profile coaches (for parents)